GIMX donations 2015-2018

  • €2,122raised
  • 86givers
I spend a lot of my free time improving GIMX. I also spend a lot of money to buy a lot of hardware such as video game consoles, game controllers, and development hardware.
If you enjoy using GIMX, please consider a small donation to help future developments.
UPDATE 2019-01-11:
This donation fund is closed. You can still contribute to the current GIMX donation fund.

115 Replies to “GIMX donations 2015-2018”

    1. For you wonderful work getting logitech wheels working on ps4. an easy to make dongle for under a fiver and my g27 is alive! Fantastic.

    1. Thanks for the great Logitech DFGT support, works like a charm with Project Cars on the PS4. You saved me from buying a new steering wheel.
      Keep up your good work!

    1. Many thanks for all your work so far and please continue with GIMX and using C.H.I.P. USB OTG port. This would be a perfect solution in my opinion.

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