On a Linux PC, I tried to modify the bluetooth device address of some dongles:
– COM1 – broadcom chip – modification ok, but not persistent
– Linyx – ISSC chip – modification ok, but not persistent
– Cellink – CSR chip – modification ok & persistent
“Persistent” means that the modification is permanent, even after unplugging the dongle. These results are consistent with infos given there.
I didn’t found out a way to modify this address in Windows (temporarily or permanently).
I discovered that pybluez requires the widcomm bluetooth stack to work with l2cap in Windows. ISSC and CSR chips are not supported (anymore) by the widcomm stack. Only my COM1 dongle can work with the widcomm bluetooth stack (property of broadcom company).
As a result I can’t use any of these dongles with my hcpc (which runs Windows 7). I could install Linux on it, but I have a TV scheduler installed, so that it would not be possible to control the PS3 and record a TV show at the same time ๐
I have to find another bluetooth dongle, whose bdaddr can be permanently modified, and that works with widcomm stack…
Meanwhile, I will try the hidemulator with another PC running Linux.