The PS4 is not taking inputs from USB devices…

Good news: the goal of $550 was reached!

Sadly, it turns out I won’t be able to reach the initial goal which was to create a firmware for the DIY USB adapter. The reason for this is that the PS4 is not taking inputs from USB devices: it only takes inputs from the bluetooth side. This was confirmed by the developer of the USBXlater and the developer of the XIM.

Nonetheless, I should be able to make GIMX talk to the PS4 over bluetooth, using a cheap dongle. My plan is to make it work in Linux first as the bluetooth stack is much more opened on this platform (which means faster development). I’ll try to make it work on Windows in a second step. It should work in a virtual machine in the meantime.

Since the initial goal will not be reachable in the near future (Sony may allow USB controllers some day…), I am ready to make a refund. The early fundraisers have two weeks to ask for it.

Fundraising for GIMX PS4 / Xbox One support

As I can’t afford buying both the PS4 and the Xbox One, I started a fundraising for GIMX PS4 / Xbox One support.
The initial goal will be to build two firmwares for the DIY USB adapter, one for the PS4, and the other for the Xbox One.
Bluetooth support for the PS4 will be optional.
If you want to donate you can click on the links below:

UPDATE 2015-04-21:

I bought a second-hand Xbox One for 300รขโ€šยฌ, so I’m updating the funding goal for the Xbox One. Xbox One support should land in GIMX 4.0, which I’ll try to release before the end of the month. Please keep donating to reach the funding goal!

UPDATE 2014-07-29:

I’m updating the funding goal for the Xbox One since there is a cheaper bundle with no Kinect.

UPDATE 2014-01-08:

I received my PS4 earlier than expected ๐Ÿ™‚

UPDATE 2014-01-03:

I canceled my order and bought a PS4 Killzone pack that I should receive on 01/13/2014.

UPDATE 2013-11-30:

I ordered a PS4 on Amazon. I have no precise delivery date. Amazon is saying “not before January”.

UPDATE 2013-11-25:

Bad news: according to the developer of the USBXlater and the developer of the XIM, the PS4 isn’t taking inputs from USB devices. Since I will not be able to make GIMX talk to the PS4 over USB, I will try over bluetooth.

I will not be able to reach the initial goal which was to build a firmware for the DIY USB adapter. If you are an early fundraiser (i.e. you donated before today – 2013-11-25), you can ask for a refund within two weeks (you should receive a mail from me later today).

The 360 controller spoof works in Windows

I made the 360 spoof work in Windows ๐Ÿ™‚

It requires to replace the stock 360 controller driver with the libusbk driver (winusb and libusb-win32 do not work).
This can easily be done using Zadig.

I built beta versions of the software and firmwares:

  • GIMX setup
  • firmwares

(files removed since GIMX 1.10 is out)
This software cannot be used with older firmwares, and these firmwares cannot be used with older softwares!


A Beagleboard xM-based USB sniffer

I bought a Beagleboard xM more than 2 years ago, as I wanted to make it work as a USB sniffer, based on the work of Nicolas Boichat. But at this time I didn’t manage to make it work, as my knowledge on embedded systems was quite limited.

I have lately been working back on this, and last week during a hacking session in my local hackerspace (Hacknowledge, Rennes, France), I finally managed to make it work ๐Ÿ™‚ It produces capture files that can be opened with Wireshark!

The following picture shows my beagleboard xM sniffing USB traffic between my Xbox 360 and a controller:

My beagleboard xM working as a USB sniffer.

Instructions are available in my git repository.